Ashwini Nakshatra Bad marriage Compatibility

Ashwini Nakshatra Bad marriage Compatibility

Lets check the Nakshatras which are not compatible with Ashwini Nakshatra.

Ashwini Nakshatra: Worst Nakshatra for Marriage

Ashwini and Hasta Compatibility

Ashwini and Hasta Nakshatra: Your most difficult relationship. You find Hasta's emotionalism hard to relate to. You cannot accept their possessiveness. There is no sexual spark and love can be unsatisfactory. They are practical and will always try to be useful to you, but you cannot appreciate their positive qualities. 27% compatible

Ashwini and Moola Compatibility

Ashwini and Mula Nakshatra: You will have lots in common - active, sporty, adventurous, fun and idealistic. You share the same ruler, planet Ketu. Can you share your life? Spiritually, you do not bond. The past becomes a big demon unless you exorcise it, you are not able to move forward and be happy. 33% compatible

Ashwini and Uttara Phalguni Compatibility

Ashwini and Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra: The cosmic relationship of your rulers Ketu and the Sun is difficult. You will not trust Uttara Phalguni and the feeling is reciprocated. If you overcome the distrust and allow them to find your emotional light, this relationship can be sublime. The lack of compatibility suggests that most do not even try. 34% compatible

Ashwini and Jyeshta Compatibility

Ashwini and Jyeshta Nakshatra: You are caught up in a spiritually complex relationship. On a subconscious level, you know Jyeshta can make you unhappy, yet you are unable to let go. You want to explore the reasons behind the connection. You can hurt each other in the process of understanding. Jyeshta can be both possessive and uncaring; you can be passionate and cold. 36% compatible

Ashwini and Shatabhisha Compatibility

Ashwini and Shatabhisha Nakshatra: Good at sex and bad at intimacy. That sums up the relationship between Shatabhishak and you. There is usually a past issue that bothers you, either in your own life or in Shatabhishak's. Shatabhishak is unable to empathise with your emotions or be open about their own. 38% compatible

Ashwini Nakshatra Compatibility table








Uttara Phalguni








Ashwini Nakshatra Best marriage Compatibility
Let's check the best Nakshatras compatible with Ashwini Nakshatra.
Ashwini Nakshatra Best marriage Compatibility
