Anuradha Nakshatra Best marriage Compatibility

Anuradha Nakshatra Best marriage Compatibility

Lets check which Nakshatras goes very well with Anuradha Nakshatra and how much compatible they are?

Anuradha Nakshatra: Best Nakshatra for Marriage

Anuradha and Jyeshta Compatibility

Anuradha and Jyeshta Nakshatra: Sexy, passionate, sensual, Jyeshta are your best partner. They fulfil all your desires for love and emotional satisfaction. Although Jyeshta usually do not have time for emotions, with you they can be patient and loving. You find your ideal. Love is divine and flourishes under mutual nourishment. 86% compatible

Anuradha and Rohini Compatibility

Anuradha and Rohini Nakshatra: You aspire to divine love and Rohini seek self-realisation through love - a perfect combination. Both can fulfil each other's need for romance and love so sublime that others can only fantasize about it. Rohini's passionate love brings out the best in you. Just remember to come back to earth from time to time. 80% compatible

Anuradha and Uttara Phalguni Compatibility

Anuradha and Rohini Nakshatra: You aspire to divine love and Rohini seek self-realisation through love - a perfect combination. Both can fulfil each other's need for romance and love so sublime that others can only fantasize about it. Rohini's passionate love brings out the best in you. Just remember to come back to earth from time to time. 80% compatible

Anuradha and Anuradha Compatibility

Anuradha and Anuradha Nakshatra: Both of you want the same things: solid, successful lives for the world to see, and emotional, spiritual and idealistic love to complete the inner you. Who better to understand than another Anuradha? No words are necessary - when you meet they know what you desire. Sex is wonderful, and the love divine. Great. 77% compatible

Anuradha and Hasta Compatibility

Anuradha and Hasta Nakshatra: Hasta is a good partner for you - attractive, sophisticated but also very emotional and intuitive. Both of you are practical and ambitious. Your unconditional love helps Hasta overcome their insecurities and they love you back in return. You can become their anchor. 72% compatible

Anuradha and Shravana Compatibility

Anuradha and Shravana Nakshatra: You love the lunar radiance of Shravana. You endeavour to find realization through them. Shravana is usually happy to respond. You meld on spiritual, emotional and physical levels. Shravana feed your love and they will care for you. You trust them with your deepest thoughts and they try not to let you down. 72% compatible

Anuradha and Revati Compatibility

Anuradha and Revati Nakshatra: Revati makes you feel whole again. You no longer have to live your life in polarities. They are the divine love you were seeking and they want to be as much part of you as you want to be part of them. Together you can live in a cocoon of love and happiness. You can be their support while they are your vision of true love. 72% compatible

Anuradha and Ashwini Compatibility

Anuradha and Ashwini Nakshatra: Ashwini makes good partners for you as long as you do not make the mistake of clinging to them too much. They need to feel free, and this does not mean they do not love. They are passionate and carefree, so different from you. They are not romantic with words but by being with you, they are showing their love. 66% compatible

Anuradha and Magha Compatibility

Anuradha and Magha Nakshatra: You have different outlooks on life, work ethics and romantic needs. You can be cool and Magha warm, but together there is an alchemy that defies convention. You care for Magha, love them, cherish them and their warmth adds sparkle to your life. Be more generous sexually, as Magha need that just like you need love. 66% compatible

Anuradha and Purva Bhadrapada Compatibility

Anuradha and Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra: You fall for the generous and warm Purva Bhadrapada. They are very different from you, confident and strong. They allow you to be in charge of the relationship. Sometimes it can weigh too heavily in favour of Purva Bhadra, or so your friends tell you. But you remain happy as long as you know they love you. 66% compatible

Anuradha and Uttara Ashadha Compatibility

Anuradha and Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra: You know you love Uttara Ashadha more than they do you. But you sense their loneliness and you understand their need for love and emotional security. You wish they could be more demonstrative. You aspire to their spiritual wisdom and their ability to be there for you even when the going gets tough. 64% compatible

Anuradha and Punarvasu Compatibility

Anuradha and Punarvasu Nakshatra: You enjoy Punarvasu's ability to be everywhere all the time, and mostly you are happy to wait for them. In a way, both of you have something vital to give each other: Punarvasu expands your horizons far beyond where you usually venture and you give them stability in their life by loving them selflessly. 62% compatible

Anuradha and Purva Phalguni Compatibility

Anuradha and Purva Phalguni Nakshatra: Purva Phalguni are fun, social, witty, charming and creative; loving them is a wonderful experience. Your main challenge is dealing with your expectations of each other. You want them to forget everyone else and focus on your needs and they want you to go out a bit more, be social and forget about your work. 62% compatible

Anuradha and Krittika Compatibility

Anuradha and Krittika Nakshatra: Powerful and dynamic, Krittika have a strong pull for you. They are the strong and silent type - their ability to protect you makes you love them even more. They envelop you in their warmth and you feel your defences melting. Be careful you are not building up too many expectations. 60% compatible

Anuradha and Vishakha Compatibility

Anuradha and Vishakha Nakshatra: This is the meeting of two opposing forces; you are cautious and Vishakha is expansive. Together you can make a splendid partnership. Love should not put barriers in life, never think your love gives you the right to dictate what your partner wants. It should be free and giving, then Vishakha will love you even more. 59% compatible

Anuradha and Swati Compatibility

Anuradha and Swati Nakshatra: Swati are pragmatists; they are never able to become what you desire and love you in the way you want. You should not expect all your fantasies to become reality in this relationship. Love Swati for what they are, this is something you do very well and they will work hard to make you happy. 58% compatible

Anuradha Nakshatra Compatibility table








Uttara Phalguni





















Purva Bhadrapada



Uttara Ashadha






Purva Phalguni











Check our older more indepth article on Anuradha Nakshatra:

Anuradha Nakshatra meaning and compatibility |
When Anuradha is a birth star the native is inclined to be rich. Such a person even wants to live in foreign countries. Anuradha native is unable to bear hunger. And it can be their basic nature to move from one place another place.
Anuradha Nakshatra meaning and compatibility |
