Pushkar Navamsa

All about Pushkar Navamsa and Pushkar BHAGA in tabular format

The concept of Pushkar Navamsa gets divided into two parts based on how the word “Pushkaramsa” was decoded by the learned astrologers of Indian astrologers community, who translated so many ancient texts on it. The meaning is much context depended.

  1. “Pushkara-amsa” when translated has “Pushkara Bhaga” or “Pushkara Part - (meaning) a nourishing portion of the zodiac” is particular degree in the sign which is highly auspicious. At Birth when a planet is placed in Pushkara Bhaga, it exclusively gives good and auspicious effects, many of the learned and experienced astrologers are of this opinion.
    The Pushkara Bhaga is useful for arranging date and time to organise an auspicious activity in general (known as arranging Pushkara Muhurata).

    Following are the Pushkara Bhaga for different signs.

    21º Aries 14º Taurus 24º Gemini 7º Cancer
    21º Leo 14º Virgo 24º Libra 7º Scorpio
    21º Sagittarius 14º Capricorn 24º Aquarius 7º Pisces

  2. “Pushkara-amsa” also means Pushkara Navamsa, a particular Navamsa (an arc of 3°20’) in a sign which is very auspicious.

Pushkara Navamsa

Following is the list of Pushkara Navamsa in different signs.

- denotes the presence of Pushkara Bhaga in Navamsa

Aries 20º to 23º20'Libra (7th)
26º40' to 30ºSagittarius (9th)
Taurus 6º40' to 10ºPisces (3rd)
13º20' to 16º40'Taurus (5th)
Gemini 16º40' to 20ºPisces (6th)
23º20' to 26º40'Taurus (8th)
Cancer 0º to 3º20'Cancer (1st)
6º40' to 10ºVirgo (3rd)
Leo 20º to 23º20'Libra (7th)
26º40' to 30ºSagittarius (9th)
Virgo 6º40' to 10ºPisces (3rd)
13º20' to 16º40'Taurus (5th)
Libra 16º40' to 20ºPisces (6th)
23º20' to 26º40'Taurus (8th)
Scorpio 0º to 3º20'Cancer (1st)
6º40' to 10ºVirgo (3rd)
Sagittarius 20º to 23º20'Libra (7th)
26º40' to 30ºSagittarius (9th)
Capricorn 6º40' to 10ºPisces (3rd)
13º20' to 16º40'Taurus (5th)
Aquarius 16º40' to 20ºPisces (6th)
23º20' to 26º40'Taurus (8th)
Pisces 0º to 3º20'Cancer (1st)
6º40' to 10ºVirgo (3rd)

Observed patterns for Pushkara Navamsa

  1. 7th and 9th navamsa of fiery signs are Pushkara Navamsa.
  2. 3rd and 5th navamsa of earthy signs are Pushkara Navamsa.
  3. 1st and 3rd navamsa of watery signs are Pushkara Navamsa.


Each Zodiac sign contains two Pushkara Navamsa and One Pushkara Bhaga. The astrologers are of opinion that Pushkara Bhaga, a particular point in Zodiac is more auspicious in terms of enhancing good attributes and fruit giving abilities of planet placed at that particular point, than a planet placed in Pushkara Navamsa. (For understanding purpose, think of Pushkara Navamsa as exaltation sign and Pushkara Bhaga as point of deep exaltation.)

The close observation will conclude that, Pushkara Navamsas are only ruled by Benefics (Venus, Jupiter and Mercury) and Moon (who is a conditional benefic).

Very few ancient texts mentions directly about Pushkara Navamsa, but if closely perceived many of them do talk about auspicious outcomes when a planet falls in to navamsas of Benefics. From descriptions of a planet’s placement in divisions like navamsa, to the definition of some or the other navamsa based yog, this theme always remains the same that planet in a benefic navamsa is more auspicious (or simply good at giving its fruit).

Libra, Taurus (owned by Venus); Sagittarius, Pisces (owned by Jupiter); Virgo (owned by Mercury) and Cancer (owned by Moon) are the only navmasa which are known to be as of Pushkara status.

18 out of 24 Pushkara Navamsas are ruled by Venus and Jupiter (each ruling 9) and remaining 6 are ruled by Mercury and Moon (each ruling 3).

9 out of 12 Pushkara Bhagas are ruled by Venus alone, and remaining 3 are ruled by Mercury.
It means every Pushkara Navamsa of Venus contains a Pushkara Bhaga, and So is for Mercury.

This figures draw our attention towards basic meaning of Pushkara - which is to provide, to nourish, to fulfil.

And it is of No doubt that Venus is the Best planet when it comes to fulfilment and provision of material comforts. This is reason Venus rules luxuries at first place and happiness at second (Remember - luxury is a material comfort and happiness is state of mind). All the benefics are associated with happiness or its cause.

The general idea of auspiciousness in term of fulfilment might have its roots from this “Pushkaramsa concept”. Where Venus stands as the best giver followed by Jupiter and then comes Mercury and Moon.

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